On the 22 of this month I turned 33! Eeek.
My day was lovely - a quiet Bondi Sunday. We went out for breakfast and although we couldn't get a table at our regular local spot we ended up at the Ravesi Hotel for fancy pancakes complete with view. Oh la la. Later in the afternoon we went out for sushi and a wander through the markets. Then Unky Dan came over and we had chocolate cake - with candles! Yay!
The evening was an extra treat. Bubbe Esther babysat and Mark & I went to our first movie in 9 months! Ironically we splurged on Gold Class tickets, reclined in plush seats, sipped wine and slurped $20 icecream ... all while watching Slumdog Millionaire. Hmmmm.
I did very well on the pressies too, scoring books, DVDs, smelly things, pretty things, money and .... a video camera (on order so stay tuned for our foray into movie making coming soon)!
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