All day the excitement and anticipation was building. After months of cleaning and buying fresh flowers for open for inspections, our auction night had finally arrived. I was so nervous I stayed home. Baby Naomi was in bed and I had a beer in one hand (no red wine left in the house!) and my phone in the other. Hubby Mark called from the packed auction room where the hum was audible even over the speaker phone (or, in hindsight, was it just static?). Suddenly there was a buzz at the door - 'We're here for the auction'! After sending a rather frantic sounding couple up to the real estate office and re-settling bub (bloody buzzer) I returned to my lotus pose and waited for proceedings to begin.
'Who will start the bidding on this immaculate Bondi beach pad - it ticks all the boxes'. Waiting, waiting, waiting. NO BIDS!
Over 100 groups have tromped through our place, they turned up at the auction and yet sat with arms crossed and did nothing. GFC? Too many 'hot auction' reality tv shows? Who knows ... Now its up to our agent to negotiate with the highest non-bidder apparently!!
It feels so strange being so out-of-control of the situation. Its like waiting to give birth, although admittedly my part in that was a tad more important than the current 'vendor' part.
So we wait, and enjoy Bondi a bit longer! Might go for a swim :)