Friday, March 13, 2009

Its official - I can cook but can't bake!

In the last week I have cooked up some simple but delicious meals. We've had cottage pie (for us & bub), organic beef sausages with tomato salad and corn, t-bone steak (ok hubby did bbq these so i cant take full credit) with israeli salad, persian fetta and brown rice & last night's yummy chicken tikka masala. Baby Naomi also was served some very tasty salmon with potato & carrot mash, steamed zuchini and a kind of bolognese made from chicken mince.

However, on the baking front, I attempted some cookies and they were so bad I couldn't even bring myself to give to the homeless guys at the beach. They went straight into the bin :(
The funny thing is that Hubby Mark doesn't even have a sweet tooth so I am just baking for the fun of it ... or maybe the challenge? I love pottering in the kitchen, dirtying every dish in sight ... but I would like to be able to eat the results of my therapy occasionally!


  1. I like to think I can bake but I also find biscuits/cookies exceedingly hard. Peter called one of my attempts "bis-cakes", neither biscuit, nor cake. I once memorably made melting moments, they merged to form one giant biscuit the shape and size of the baking tin. There is one recipe I have found which always works, would you like it? It was in a kids cooking magazine ha ha. Shazza x

  2. you obviously get your baking ability from your dad, who made some anzac biscuits good only for propping open the kitchen door on a windy day!
